
visitor count

update log

03/16/24 - edits & translation section

01/2/24 - a few edits, added aesthetics section (incomplete)

07/3/23 - minor fixes

05/3/23 - fixed up the lightbox on the my stuff page

05/1/23 - new blog post and a few layout changes

04/30/23 - got the "lightbox" for the my stuff page working

04/29/23 - code cleanup

04/28/23 - code cleanup

04/27/23 - updated my stuff page

04/26/23 - updated art and my stuff pages

04/25/23 - updated art page, added viewer counter

04/24/23 - created new lightbox layout

03/27/23 - updated art page

03/6/23 - updated side containers, created "ads"

03/5/23 - updated side containers

03/4/23 - updated fanlisting and webring, added reading/watching section

03/1/23 - updated blog section

02/15/23 - added new music player with 22 songs

02/14/23 - added blog section

02/12/23 - added update log!

to do

fix visitor count, since countAPI got discontinued...

complete side containers and add them to each page

whole art section

aesthetics section

rest of about me section (interests, DNI/BYI, links, etc)

optimize for firefox

kins pages

anime figure pages

add more blog posts and categories

add mute button for chat sound?

fix "read more" bugs in blog section

fix "my stuff" section, and finish it, maybe redo or redesign it completely (maybe have a separate page for each furniture item?)

make the header not say "welcome" when on a page besides home

fix credit link for pixel art

fix chatbox sound going off when page is refreshed

add viewer count

add comments section to blog

fix size of webring thing

fix opossum and raccoon containers to be properly aligned and as least intrusive as possible

figure out how to do "reading" and "watching" sections, either connect to external source like anilist, convert to iframe, or do manually

fix mobile layout...

add fanlistings section?

fix about me section flags out of container and hover popups weird on resizing of pages

fix scroll bar

polish index page containers

fix index page blog post section text formatting

add discord server link to side container maybe? and link to menheratic's blog?

within links page, have a useful links section as well as personal links

ideas: sitemap, games, graphics, OCs, hamcam section, library (mangas I own + reviews, findable through my stuff section), shrines, collections (also in my stuff section), cliques, guestbook, ko-fi, etc

add more gifs and graphics

favorite anime

favorite animal




Welcome to my silly little corner of the internet! I'm Mar, a 21-year-old menhera artist, internet dweller, and occasionlly a part-time forest cryptid. I'm inspired by all things pink, cute and silly critters emote, and the horrors of the mind. My virtual space is a reflection of that and more, so come in and take a look around! I'm happy to have you here and I hope you like my site! Thank you for visiting! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out through the chatbox! I promise I won't bite (you're lucky there's a screen separating us).


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©2023 by Mar. All work on this site is protected under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license.

Background and some of the pixel art by King-Lulu-Deer